Saturday, May 12, 2007

What Works?

With the semester ending in two weeks, reflections on the value of our academic experience we paid $30,000 for are inevitable. Unfortunately, looking back, I can't help but be filled with a sense of disillusionment – I came to one of the best education schools in the world hoping for answers, and I'm leaving with the sick realization that perhaps, there aren't any answers to be had.

As we studied the history of educational reform, I realized that there are no truly original solutions, merely reiterations and evolutions of basic theories of change. And even if there were an original solution, the realities of educational politics means that it has to adapt and lose some of its boldness to gain the currency it needs to be implemented. And so standards for excellence become standards for minimum competency, bold pure choice systems become a tiny add-on to the existing system. While the names and taglines change, the substance within remain practically the same, and it all seems to be old wine in new bottles.

Ultimately, what happens within the classroom has changed little in comparison to the swirling changes at the policy level. And until what happens within the classroom changes, there will be true education reform. But how can we change instructional practice, when most policymakers and even some education researchers treat the classroom as a black box? How can we design effective reforms, when the people in charge of designing our policies barely know what goes on in the heart of education? How can we successfully implement change, without the buy-in of the people who are most crucial to the education of our children – our teachers?

Until we can trust our teachers – and until we manage to recruit teachers we can trust – any education reform that relies on teachers for implementation will have limited success.


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